Recent Events
Lace Vacation 2018
at Hankerd Inn, Michigan

On the right Carrie Baum

Left- Pam Kirk / Right- Mary DeGroote

Janet Scheltema

In the foreground Merie Lettieri

Left Alice Camber

Left Kathleen Campbell

Left Andrea Grace, Right Cynthia Maxwell
Love of Lace 2018
Livonia Michigan Library

Vendor store with lots of goodies

Try it bobbin lace pillow with instructions

Knitted by Denise Duda

Display by Bob Davis

Display by Bob Davis

Lace Vacation 2017
at Hankerd Inn, Michigan

Typical bedroom

Common meeting room

Basement Meeting/Classroom
Starting with the table on the left and listing left to right is Mary DeGroote, Cynthia Maxwell, Janet Scheltema, and Kathleen Campbell.
Standing is left/ Merie Lettieri right/ Pat Alzady sitting facing front at the table on the right is Joy Reno.
Detroit Institute of Art Lacemaking Demo 2013

Bernadette Pauling Demonstrates Tatting

Barbara Bulgarelli

Pat Murley

Left- Chris Hope / Right- Andrea Grace

Tatting Samples

Sharon Saarinen demonstrates bobbin lace

Bobbin Lace Fun!


Sharing Tips

Pat Murley discussing her project
Love of Lace 2012

Group Demonstration
Karen F. and Heather S. demonstrating bobbin lace

Nancy Van Ophem demonstrating tambour

Left- Shirley Coe / Right- Linda Aldrich
Cute tees, ladies!

Kathy Mullins-Engelhardt and her lace pillow
Members and visitors sharing a rest and a laugh.

A wonderful 4-person bobbin lace pillow, with projects in progress.
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Last Updated 07/2012